HomeInternationalHow does the political crisis in Bangladesh affect India?

How does the political crisis in Bangladesh affect India?

The Bangladesh crisis would certainly have negative impact on India in many ways, experts believe.

The neighboring country is facing its worst political crisis since its 53 years of independence, and the conflict is bound to have political impact on India, they say.

The on-going crisis also poses concerns for India’s textile and apparel sector as Bangladesh is a major partner for textile industry in India, which is one of the world’s largest textiles and apparel producers.

The industry provides direct employment to 45 million people and 100 million in allied industries.

Bangladesh serves as a crucial market for Indian textile exports and a significant manufacturing base for garments that are exported globally.

Whereas India is a significant exporter of cotton and synthetic fibers to Bangladesh.

The experts say that the current situation in Bangladesh is causing significant concern within the Indian textile sector even as it hopes for a fast return to normalcy to ensure uninterrupted trade and production.

“While we are concerned about the impact on the supply chain and the potential delays and disruptions it might cause, we are hopeful that the situation will improve soon,” Chandrima Chatterjee, Secretary General, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) told media persons.

As per CITI, Indian enterprises engaged in manufacturing within the nation may encounter difficulties in sustaining their production flow, hence resulting in market delays and possible scarcities.

The product supply may be impacted by this disruption, and businesses may be forced to look for alternate manufacturing options to lessen the effects.

Experts also believe the political uncertainty in Bangladesh would force India to remain vigilant until a new lawfully elected government takes over the administration there.

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They say Indian security agencies would have to remain alert to protect its borders with Bangladesh as many, in view of the chaos, would keep trying to cross over illegally.

However, they believe India has taken all necessary steps to secure its interests as the developments in Bangladesh are being monitored closely.


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