HomeTrendingIndia has shown world how to fight Islamist terrorism

India has shown world how to fight Islamist terrorism

Following a terrifying strike by Hamas, the world was left reeling from the unsettling pictures of innocent lives lost. The heartbreaking image of toddlers becoming unintentional victims in the crossfire was one of the upsetting pictures that deeply affected our collective conscience. In light of this harsh reality, we must ask ourselves: Is it possible for mankind to bear such needless suffering? And how can we work towards a future in which the horrors of war never mar the innocence of children?

A troubling ripple started to appear in our own neighbourhood as people all across the world cried out for peace. Unexpectedly, a voice echoed the dangerous path of jihad against India. Where did this controversy begin? None other than the son-in-law of Pakistan Muslim League leader Nawaz Shareef, retired Captain Safdar Awan (Nawaz).

On October 15, Awan mounted the stage on a cool evening in Rawalpindi, hardly knowing the fury his words would cause. At a gathering that ought to have served as a forum for harmony and recovery, Awan’s comments appeared to err on the side of supporting actions that might be interpreted as inciting terrorism. Awan’s statements sent shockwaves through the already tense atmosphere, calling on his “Muslim brothers” to prepare for a “Jihad against India” and citing the foreboding cry for Ghazwa-e-Hind (the conquest of India).

This was more than just a politician voicing an opinion; it was a way of thinking that was evocative of ideas held by organisations such as Hamas. This ideology views the creation of an Islamic state as the ultimate aim and labels non-Muslims as kafir. They are viewed as enemies in a larger war narrative, whether they be Hindus in Pakistan or Jews in the case of Hamas.

The story of Captain Safdar Awan’s contentious statements serves as a warning, serving as a reminder that leaders’ words have the power to ignite conflict or extinguish the embers of peace.

As everyone watches, hoping for a new chapter in which swords become ploughshares and a chorus of voices calling for a Ghazwa-e-Hind is replaced with a chorus of voices advocating for a Ghazwa-e-Aman, a conquest of peace.

Rallies demonstrating steadfast support are a sign of the growing voices of sympathy with the Palestinian people in Pakistan. Notably, though, Pakistan now positions itself as a fervent supporter of the Palestinian cause, drawing comparisons to the Kashmiri conflict. But a deeper examination reveals a striking difference. The Kashmiri Pandits are the ones who, in this instance, are frequently disregarded and their suffering is lost to the annals of time.

Imagine this: Two basic facts stand out in the turbulent context of the Israel-Palestine conflict and require our consideration. The violent Islamist organisation Hamas is on the one side, while Israel, a country that is proud to be democratic, is on the other. There is no room for doubt about the recent savage attack by Hamasโ€”it is an overt act of terrorism. But as the story progresses, it becomes increasingly important to acknowledge the moral high ground that a contemporary state such as Israel ought to maintain. Israel is held to a higher standard due to its adherence to laws and regulations, which distinguishes it from the terrorists it faces. Israel, governed by well-established laws and regulations, is held to a higher level; otherwise, it runs the risk of erasing the characteristics that set it apart from a terrorist organisation.

Israeli bombings continue in Gaza, and the dead toll is rising. Although Israel says it takes care to prevent civilian casualties, the increasing number of Palestinian deaths cast doubt on that claim. Israel admits to being involved in a recent church incident, but maintains that the church wasn’t deliberately targeted. The church was damaged by an explosion that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) claim they caused while targeting a Hamas command centre. Whatever the specifics, the terrible death toll on both sides and the devastation continue to be extremely worrisome.

Let’s now explore a different area where Israel and India are compared in an effort to find similarities in how they have responded to similar attacks. The trick is that, in this narrative, every country is a distinct character that must navigate a convoluted tale of its own. When faced with threats from Hamas-like groups, India chooses a different course. India has been pursuing historic peace and prosperity in Kashmir since 2019, in contrast to Israel, which has been under fire for its colonies and occupation.

As we continue to explore this story, we learn that India once encountered circumstances that were similar to those in Gaza. Extremists in Kashmir support the Intifada model, imitating the tenacity of Palestinian resistance through demonstrations that involve throwing stones. Despite its imperfections, the Indian state effectively brings about peace and harmony.

A remarkable 92% reduction in stone-pelting occurrences after 370 and a notable decline in civilian losses and injuries during law and order crises are revealed by the data, telling a compelling picture.

The data presents a powerful narrative: prior to 370, there were an astounding 5050 instances of stone-pelting; following 370, there were only 445 instancesโ€”a remarkable 92% reduction. Between August 5, 2016, and August 5, 2019, protests claimed the lives of 124 individuals.

But in the past four years, there hasn’t been a single tragic event of this kind, indicating that no children of lower Allah have died. In addition, the number of civilian deaths in law enforcement incidents decreased dramatically from 132 in the pre-370 era to zero in the post-370 eraโ€”a remarkable 100% decline. With an astounding 99% drop in civilian injuries in law and order circumstances, this reduction highlights committed efforts to avoid collateral harm during security operations.

The Union Territory has received investment offers totaling Rs 81,122 crore in only the last two years alone. This is a stark contrast to the total amount of private investments J&K has received since independence, which is Rs 14,000 crore. Notably, 1.88 crore tourists visited the UT last year, which is an impressive number for any area. The administration expects to surpass the two-crore tourist threshold this year and anticipates continued growth.

Oh, how very convenient it is in this big country to put all the blame on one person! I wonder how long we will play the constant victim in this theatrical charade? Amid the deluge of data and charges, let us not overlook the story that depicts a leader working nonstop for the prosperity and peace of a community and country, rather than for personal glory. Despite the many obstacles it faces, India remains steadfast in its opposition to oppression, a formidable bulwark against the flow of terrorism, and fiercely committed to finding answers that go against the entire idea of giving in to threats. It really is amazing to see such steadfast dedication to a higher cause.

To be clear, India strongly opposes any form of persecution against defenceless populations and stands as an unwavering sentinel against terrorist forces. Standing resolutely against the flood of threats, our nation is committed in its unflinching devotion to nurturing peace and relentlessly seeking answers. In an unprecedented gesture, Prime Minister Modi became the first prime minister of India to visit the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, conveying a message of unwavering support for Israel in the battle against terrorism. This move highlights the fundamental principles of India’s moral position and demonstrates our unwavering support for the state of Palestine. Beyond words, our dedication to justice and peace is demonstrated by deeds, and our determination never wavers.

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