Home Trending Why are leftists, Islamists trying to justify barbaric Hamas attack on Israel?

Why are leftists, Islamists trying to justify barbaric Hamas attack on Israel?

Among the unfortunate victims of the Hamas terrorist attack were babies who were never given the chance to experience this world

Israel experienced an unimaginable horror as the Jewish festival of Sukkot drew to a close. As thousands of Hamas terrorists launched a multifaceted attack from the air, sea, and land, sirens shattered the dawn. Cities were bombarded by missiles, which caused confusion and the loss of countless lives. Unarmed civilians were held captive, and a joyful music celebration descended into carnage. The savagery was unimaginably severe. We were deeply disturbed by the images, which gave an unvarnished view of the brutality of individuals defending the Palestinian cause.

An Israeli woman was depicted in one particularly horrific film as being completely vulnerable. Terrorists from Hamas placed her onto the back of a little truck. The woman was barely clothed, but there were obvious signs of abuse, including what appeared to be facial mutilation. In the footage, it’s still not obvious how much anguish she actually endured; this sombre uncertainty casts a gloomy shade over the action. The man’s reprehensible conduct of spitting on the woman as the vehicle travels slowly just serves to highlight how low some people have sunk.

Another video showed the excruciating experience of another Israeli woman who was taken against her will from a car’s trunk. Blood stains were visible on her clothing, an alarming sign of the atrocities she had experienced. It was easy to see the sadness in her eyes.

Other films showing Palestinians applauding the bombings and Hamas terrorists ruthlessly opening fire inside an Israeli village appeared as the world struggled with the ramifications of these horrifying images. These upsetting occurrences portrayed a bleak image, highlighting the pressing nature of the issue and the requirement for harmony, compassion, and the protection of innocent lives.

Many women, children, and elderly people were among the dead, their lives sadly cut short. Among the unfortunate victims of the Hamas terrorist attack were babies who were never given the chance to experience this world. Their potential, their humour, and their ambitions were abruptly taken from them.

It is horrifying to see the atrocities taking place around the world, and it hurts even more to see some people in our own country embracing terrorism. Right now, it seems like their ties to terrorism and political affiliation are more important than anything else. The tragedy serves as a sombre reminder that we all condemn terrorism in general, regardless of political affiliation.

Our support must be firmly grounded in humanity and steadfastly opposed to terrorism and its atrocities in the face of unfathomable misery. But in the name of resistance and liberation, they are backing the murderous attack by Hamas against Israel. They attempt to justify the conduct of organisations like Hamas with their often illogical justifications. We must immediately refute these stories word for word and reveal how doubtful their position is.

Observe the rhetorically adept lefties and Islamists who, rather than sincerely denouncing terrorism, speak in a way that sounds like a dance with the devil. I must admit, it was a very dramatic performance.

Our support must be firmly grounded in humanity and steadfastly opposed to terrorism and its atrocities in the face of unfathomable misery. But in the name of resistance and liberation, they are backing the murderous attack by Hamas against Israel. They attempt to justify the conduct of organisations like Hamas with their often illogical justifications. We must immediately refute these stories word for word and reveal how doubtful their position is.


Observe the rhetorically adept lefties and Islamists who, rather than sincerely denouncing terrorism, speak in a way that sounds like a dance with the devil. I must admit, it was a very dramatic performance.

Samiullah Khan, a journalist and master of absolutes, believes that backing Israel is equivalent to endorsing the country’s illegal occupation. The master of excessive simplicity. Assuming that backing Israel gives approval to unlawful occupation and terrorism is akin to attempting to squeeze a camel through a needle. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as intricate as a Rubik’s Cube, and Palestinian activities involving the dead and captured have completely destroyed any hope of diplomatic success. The stark choice between basic politeness and brutality is presented in the Israeli videos. The choice is obvious to anyone with a shred of humanity. We’re trying to find that elusive answer for justice and peace.

In a strange twist, Muslim activist and advocate of fake news Ali Sohrab finds himself backing terrorists who are parading a dead woman. Truly, a contortionist who has won the Nobel Prize. He went so far in his support for Hamas as to propagate false information that the German woman being displayed by the militants of Hamas was a guy! Your promotion of false information while supporting Hamas is a depressing firework display in the middle of the night. It merely hides the truth.

Also not to be forgotten is Irena Akbar, a former journalist who now performs mental gymnastics and who persists on arguing whether a woman was ‘totally naked’ while being paraded by terrorists. Her rhetorical somersaults seem to neatly wrap the world’s priorities. The lengths you’ve gone to in order to make a point are very troubling. It is an insult to the foundational values of mankind to even try rationalising the horrors endured by Shani Louk, a woman who was displayed naked.

Although it is a vital right, the ability to speak freely should never be used to minimise or rationalise the suffering of others. It is inappropriate to engage in mental gymnastics or hurtful inferences about Shani Louk’s fashion choices in relation to her ordeal. Your attempt to compare her awful fate to other issues, like the freedom of Iranian women, is not only inappropriate but also disrespectful. Regardless of one’s views or upbringing, everyone should be outraged by the fact that her almost-naked body was exposed in public and that she experienced such dehumanising treatment. It’s Unsettling! More than explanations, Shani Louk merits our compassion, regard, and honest outrage for the atrocities she had to go through.

It is quite unfortunate that some journalists, Indians included, failed to check the facts and allowed themselves to get carried away by the wave of unreliable information in the wake of such horrific occurrences. There is already too much cruelty in the world; propagating false information just serves to increase it.


What kind of human are you when, in the wake of such horrible revelations, there’s no censure, no remorse? is the poignant question raised. Although it is agonising for parents and kids to watch their loved ones die in the cruellest ways possible, there is a push to excuse rather than condemn.

Also, let’s not lose sight of the heartbreaking tragedy playing out in Israel in the midst of this circus of complex arguments. Innocent lives are cruelly lost as they attempt to walk the razor’s edge of political correctness, and the horror only grows. The indiscriminate killing of any civilian population, whether Israeli or Palestinian, would never be justified in a society where empathy, reason, and the sanctity of human life should rule supreme. Such acts of aggression become even more intolerable when they affect the most defenceless, namely children. This fundamental truth—that the value of human life transcends national boundaries—must not be obscured by political allegiances or biases. In a logical setting, the protection of innocent lives should always take precedence over any ideology or agenda.

As I type these lines, my heart aches—not because I’m an Indian or because I belong to any particular political group, but just because I’m a person. I strongly condemn the Hamas terror attack and the deaths of children and innocents during this battle on both sides of the line of separation. This tragedy cuts across national boundaries, religious beliefs, and political philosophies. The tragedies and horrors taking place in Israel should break our hearts because it is only through our shared humanity that we can get the courage to scream, “Enough is enough.”